many-body QED
Understanding and controlling new forms of quantized light-matter quantum systems expands the horizon of our understanding to the physical universe. Light-matter quantum systems have opened a conceptual umbrella in quantum information science that encompasses a wide range of emergent phenomena with low-energy description, from condensed matter, to high-energy physics, to statistical mechanics, and models of quantum gravity. Dynamical processes of these quantum optical systems may be adapted to answering the grand challenges in basic science. ​
In this research program, we are pursuing a form of quantum electrodynamics (QED) beyond mean-field physics that is manifestly computationally complex. We call this domain of strong-coupling quantum optics as many-body QED (mQED). In our work, we utilize state-of-art laboratory and theoretical techniques to elucidate the physics of mQED by coupling highly-correlated Rydberg matter to an ultra-high-finesse optical cavity. Our research program utilizes the interplay between quantum many-body interactions and global coherent atom-light coupling, putting strongly-interacting matter and light on equal footing. Beyond efficient and resilient quantum computation and networking, many-body QED exploits Liouvillian computational complexities for the exploration of highly-entangled quantum systems, and may be applied to help address some of the most profound questions in physical and computational sciences - from Baryonic asymmetry. to quantum gravity, and to quantum Church-Turing thesis.
Contact: research@q-block.ca